Sunday, June 25, 2006

First Pride

After walking the entire length of the Dyke March last night with Aunt Oona and Aunt Sarah (so glad to hook up with you two!), we managed to get up and make our way to the parade this morning.

Vamos de paseo en tren to the Pride Parade 2006. Ezra's first of many, I'm sure.

We didn't get to march this year, but we played in the Family Garden set up by Our Family Coalition. It was so crowded! So many families like us all having a proud day.
That's right!

Monday, June 19, 2006

E Meets Susy; Maia Gathering in the East Bay Sun….& a little shameless advertising….

Ezra met his dream girl, Susy Dorn, at our friend’s wedding on Sat. She sings E’s favorite songs in Spanish about fruits and colors and days of the week. We wish we would have caught the interaction between the two with a photo or two, but of course we forgot the camera along with the wedding gift on the kitchen table (oh, if mommy had a brain). You will have to imagine her smiling her bright smile and singing a little piece from Los Opuestos. E stared very intensely. Abierto….cerrado…..….la la la. I, Mommy, secretly sang every word.

There was more swimming for Ezra on Sunday at a lovely gathering with all the Moms and babes from our birth class at Maia Midwifery. It’s been really great to keep in touch with these families, some of which are expanding! Ezra played in the pool and ate a bunch of fruit with a fork. He really likes his utensils. Moms got a little too much sun and got to eat burgers, ice cream and cupcakes. A decadent day.

And now for the shameless advertising. I can’t say enough great things about Susy Dorn’s CD and DVD, Cantemos en Español. Whether your child already knows Spanish or not, her catchy songs combined with familiar melodies make them memorable and fun to sing. Right up there with Itsy, Bitty Spider. The DVD of Cantemos en Español has so much charm. It’s definitely a “homegrown” production that deserves notice. I feel better about supporting a local artist giving something to our community more so than a polished Disney production. You should check it out. 5% of the proceeds go to help Peruvian street children as well.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Day and Night in Calistoga

We only had a day and a night to relax before Momma began tirelessly coordinating the Summer session for her after making a few dollars at our yard sale last weekend, we hopped in the car and off we went to Calistoga's Indian Springs.....

....where we stayed in the most adorable little detached cottage so E could exercise his new vocabulary at top volume.
We chose this place because of its 1920s beautiful, olympic sized, non-chlorinated, mineral pool. Even though the days were overcast, the pool rocked!
E loved the 102 degree water. Sporting his new swim trunks from Uncle Wayne and Uncle Frank, E made many new friends just by throwing his cute smile their way. People -- strange people -- would literally stop us on the street.
He's pretty darn cute. And, hilarious.
He laughed pretty hard when Mommy tried to fly a kite in little to no wind. So, we stuck to the pool, tether ball, ping pong and a poor, poor attempt at badminton, all of which E thought were pretty funny as well.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Sun Kissed

We couldn't resist taking pictures of E while he was sleeping.
I don't know if you can tell, but our sweet sleeping boy has the most beautiful tan hands you have ever seen. This, of course, means the rest of his body is lily white.

The many hours at the playground have resulted in this grand showing of his Mexican heritage. Today we wore short sleeves. With 30 SPF, of course.

More pigment!