We just finished a lovely Hannukah, eating lots of latkes and lighting many candles. Ezra learned the dreidel game, had a Hannukah party with his Chicken Coop buddies and learned many a Hannukah song. Although, after the lighting of the candles each night, he wanted to sing the Happy Birthday song and blow out the candles. So we did.
Next up is Soltice fun and lots of snow songs sung to Ezra's Po. And, then a Christmas party at Liko's house and then some caroling and a little Santa fun. Ezra is so excited to put surprises in the stockings and pretend to be Santa Claus with a big cappuccino foam beard (funny the references kids will make....You would never know that his Mommy drank many cappuccinos).
Grandma gets to spend Christmas with us and will try to keep warm in our drafty abode.
Momma will happily be on vacation soon and Mommy spends her days looking at preschools for next year and trying to get massage clients. Ezra is Ezra as you can see.
Letter to my son, five years gone
9 years ago