Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Greatest Great Great Grandma Edie 1915-2008

GGE is who she was to Ezra. She was, of course, Grandma to me, Mommy, since I was 18 years old.

When we met for the first time, she grabbed me and gave me such a squeeze. We had the same hands and we held them up together to gaze at their likeness. Her blue eyes were amazing to me. I mean, I am always a sucker for blue eyes, but hers were so warm and cozy. The fact that I didn't exist in her life for 18 years didn't seem to matter.

20 some odd years later, she welcomed Momma (before she was a Momma) into the family, sitting closely and talking to her, accepting my choice of who I could love. She never wavered from her love for me and she extended that love.

Then Ezra came. And, again with those big blue eyes, she filled our family with warmth like she did with all of her great grandchildren. Like she did with her great, great grandchildren.

I don't know if Ezra will remember her. I will show him photos and I will tell stories about her, hopefully in the poetic manner she told a story. But mostly, I will make sure her genuine warmth and acceptance will be valued and cherished in our family and our extended family for many more years to come.

Friday, March 07, 2008

The Adventures of Dragon and Giraffe

Yesterday, Dragon and Giraffe flew through the ice cream clouds to "Burton's" house. Giraffe navigated; for his long neck lets him see far distances. We picked flowers in the garden, swam in the pool where a dinosaur lives, and went to a jungle were the monkeys swang on the tree branches. Dragon's special skill is making lots of pancakes for everyone with his super fire breathing abilities. We invited several friends over for pancakes and tea. Then we all took a nap.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Happy March and Lava Flows

Happy March everyone. It's almost Spring. The plum blossoms are blooming. Sunny play dates at the playground. The birds are singing.

Boy is singing too.

......and lava flows on the Big Island?

Yikes! We are hoping Po has a great Spring without a remodeled back yard.