Sunday, May 28, 2006

Tennessee Valley Hike

We got up this morning and decided to take one of our favorite hikes and to ultimately show our little man the beach and waves and seashells and birds and butterflies and dragonflies....
We forgot about kites.
A lovely Mom with two sons was flying her easy-to-use and easy-to-lose $2.00 drug store kite and was so kind to let E fly it.

Definitely, the highlight of the day.
"The beach is way cool!" That's Bah Bah Bah Bah in E language.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

41 Years, 36 Years and 13 months....

Hmmmm.....We are all feeling a little older these days.


Sunday, May 21, 2006

Scrapes and Bruises

We always wondered when it would happen. His beautiful baby skin has been marred by bug bites, bruises and kitty scratches, but E had yet to experience his first scrape. Yesterday at his friend Linus's birthday party (Happy Birthday Linus!), he did a face plant onto the ground.

Sand covered his face, and an icky scrape ran from his eyebrow to the tip of his nose. Needless to say, he was not a happy little guy.
This morning at the playground a Dad asked *the* question when he saw E's nose, "Whose watch did that happen on?" Ugh! Mommy is still reeling with guilt.

On the other hand, E has forgotten about it and is having a great day with his Bellafone. He also flirted endlessly with the ladies at the cafe this morning. No silly scrape is going to stop him from being super cute.

psst...Tomorrow is Momma Jess's birthday.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Phone Pictures

I've been trying to clean out my phone of some old pictures because I am running out of room! But I couldn't just get rid of them, so here they are. The last few months of E. They are small and low res, but E none the less.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Jour de Mères

Happy Mothers' Day! What a great day for two Moms and Ezra. First off, E woke us up super early so we could be the first party to be seated at our favorite 10 seater breakfast place. Although he has been reading "Baby Make Me Breakfast," I don't think he felt quite confident to flip a couple of pancakes for us and left it up to Chloe's Cafe. Yum, yum! Thanks E!

Then after a much needed nap we headed out to the park and picked up a baguette and brie for the Moms and black beans and carrots for the boy. The temperature today was a sweltering 80 some odd degrees, which in SF is super hot. We pushed E up many SF hills to the most beautiful little spot to sit and eat our lunch and recuperate. E took one look at the baguette and it was love.

We've been resistant to giving him wheat, but it appears it has become the "forbidden fruit." He really would have made the French proud in how he was able to maneuver his bread and tear a little piece from the loaf with his 8 teeth. There was no distracting him from that loaf.

We did play with his new Gertie Ball and attempted to slide down the slides. He ended the day with a big poop in the grass. We cleaned it up, of course, unlike the time I saw a Mom in Paris poo her child on the sidewalk. If you think there is a lot of dog poop in may think

Au revoir pour le moment.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Broccoli and Minor Chords, Oh my!

Ezra is eating more solid food these days. His number one fave is still apples, but black beans and oranges are coming in a close second. He doesn't seem to have a taste for broccoli and usually brushes it off onto the floor. He got new dishes from his Aunt, Uncle and cousins in NYC for all his fancy new eating. We look forward to when he will actually use them as dishes and not musical instruments.

On a side note, we went to Enzo's Music Class today and E now stands up and does a little dance when music is played. But, we've noticed that he cowers when minor chords are used. Interesting little boy he is.