e and his two moms having some fun in san francisco's noe valley and everywhere else too
Monday, December 11, 2006
Gearing Up For the Holidays
Our family continues to build onto our holiday traditions. We've maintained a few traditions from last year and have introduced a few more. We still have our green and orange stockings made from old sweaters. They are hanging up and have been accepting gifts all year 'round. Momma continues to push the boundries about when we actually give gifts. Apparently, this year we've introduced PRE-Hanukkah gifts. Gotta love her! Her ability to avoid traditional gift-giving Eves is uncanny and makes for lots of entertaining negotiation. We decided not to have a Christmas tree this year and have introduced snowflakes and oragami cranes to our holiday aesthetic. We went a little over the top and hung many snowflakes from the ceiling while E was napping last weekend. He loves them. And, calls them blohplaxk.....he's almost got it, right? ADDENDUM: The new pronunciation for snowflake is Ickcakes! We will have a little Hannukah party on Friday, and E and his little friends will dance under the snowflakes (ickcakes)and eat latkes and light a candle and sing songs about, um, a winter wonderland clad with menorahs and dreidels and lit trees and giant, jolly, white-bearded men saying ho ho. Then we are off to NY and NC to see those that we love and miss and celebrate more cold winter nights together (the idea of cold may be a bit different than what we've been used to).
Oh yeah, latest interests that have developed for E are: -moons, stars, and yes, snowflakes -any form of guitar and drum and his new love, the harmonica -taxis, trains, buses, garbage trucks -bagels, bagels, bagels -music by Justin Roberts And, lately his favorite video is this one:
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