Monday, January 15, 2007

Holiday in NYC-Part 3

NY wouldn't be complete without a trip to the Petrillo's. We were fortunate enough to see them a couple of times before we flew off to North Carolina. They made a lovely meal with some excellent apple crisp at their cozy abode and we met Thay for the first time, as did Thay, Aswad, De La and Maya meet Ezra for the first time.

Ezra took this cute pic of Thay and Aswad.

We saw them in the park the following cold day in the East Village. Thay and E were pretty darn cute together. We kicked around a ball or two with De La and hung out with the lovely Tiny and Maya who have grown into such amazing women. In the summer we all usually treat ourselves to a De Roberti's Ice, but our treat this winter was just to be together.

Look at this cute family all bundled and cozy. Momma and E both had fevers that day

Now, we are off to Asheville, North Carolina to see Grandma Elizabeth. Ezra hails us a taxi!

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