Sunday, June 03, 2007

Hooked on Homophones

After being cooped up at home with an ear infection for a couple of days and feeling pretty rotten, today Ezra's health and energy level were finally at top volume plus some! Mommy spent a good hour trying to get him down for a nap today when Momma had to intervene. He expressed his joy of good health by singing songs really fast and jumping on the bed and flailing himself atop Mommy, to which Momma exclaimed, "Ezra, you need to give Mommy a little peace." To which Ezra replied, "I want big peas."

This is actually a picture from when we were at the zoo for his birthday. He just has the perfect little crazy face that we witnessed today.

We all gave up on the nap and called it a day around 6pm this evening. It is currently peaceful. At least for the time being.(/div)

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