Sunday, October 19, 2008

We did!

"The stars come up spinning every night,

Bewildered in love"  Rumi

"As we were strolling through the “richer and older” end of our neighborhood with the kids yesterday and seeing all the “yes on 8” signs in the yards of the homophobic republicans, I couldn’t help but think that they might just change their minds if they were at your wedding. " Vote no on Prop. 8!


Jo C. said...

Oh honey you look gorgeous. Can't wait to see all the pics. Much love to you both (and the Ezra too)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for all three of you. Much, much love.

amy said...

The pics are almost as gorgeous as you two in real life! What a beautiful ceremony--we're so happy for you three!